Strategic Power Themes & Messaging Integrated into Marketing & Sales!
Marketing and Sales efforts are frequently separated in some organizations. These departments should be integrated for the purpose of creating total focus and consistency of application of strategic power position messaging through marketing and sales channels.
Marketing creates the messaging to communicate power themes and Sales implements client acquisition using the same power themes to generate new clients and retain existing clients.
Utilize Power Positions to Reach New Clients, Keep & Grow Existing Clients!
Identify Effective Marketing Media Options to Reach Target Market Cost Effectively!
Highest priority marketing medium is your public web site, where all prospects will go first if they are interested in you. Clarity and focus with brand, themes and messaging is vital to create separation from competitors. Your web site is usually your most important marketing item for prospect consumption. Utilize SEO software, appropriate key words, meta-descriptions and PPC to attract prospects depending on your market .
Depending on your market, a corporate profile should be available in hard copy and pdf form as a reflection of your web site messaging. Consistency between titles, messaging and imagery is vital for clear communication of your power positions.
If appropriate for your target market, create an in-depth presentation following and expanding on the themes and messaging in your web site and corporate profile. Provide targeted industry or customer specific details related to features or capabilities to create more market differentiation.
Creating a power position of differentiation with competitors will require validation from existing clients with detailed customer profiles and complimentary quotes from each client. Client testimonials should be included as a key element of your web site, a secondary collateral piece to the corporate profile and included in every presentation document.
Proposal hard copy and pdf versions should be an expansion of power themes from the web site, corporate profile, and presentation images and messaging leveraging dominant positions.
Depending on the target audience, email marketing can be an inexpensive marketing tool to reinforce existing themes, promote new products, or offer promotions to attract interested parties. Sophisticated analytical software is available and inexpensive to allow email lead response and tracking for precise lead management and follow up.
Depending on your industry and target market, direct mail may be effective drawing customers to your web site for information or can reinforce sales power themes important for market separation from competitors.
For appropriate industries advertising media may be used to expose new products or services to the market or to reinforce existing power themes to the market. Examples are television, radio, print publications, social media ads, sponsorships, trade shows, or other online ad placement.
For appropriate target markets especially B to C selling efforts social media communication and responses should reinforce power themes. For certain markets, separate trained staff should manage the social media effort with a strategic focus.
Advertising Model
Rely On High Cost TV, Direct Mail, Print, Social Media ad campaign.B To C Advertising
Target markets such as B to C, strategically utilize sales model relying on advertising tied to TV, internet, social media, direct mail to push power positions.
Email/Direct Mail Inside Sales
Utilize Inside Sales Team to support email, direct mail, social media.Utilize Inside Sales Team
Depending on cost and effectiveness, utilize direct mail, email campaigns, social media to generate sales utilizing data analytics.
Outside Sales Team
Rely on Sales Team to nurture and close new clients using email data analytics.Strategic Exterior Sales Effort
Based on target markets such as B to B, strategically utilize sales team to reach out to clients and prospects utilizing database and email analytics to market power positions.
References & Partners
Work closely with business partners to acquire clients using reference program.Referral Fee Program
Work closely with business partners, clients and external associates to identify prospects providing referral fees for new clients.